We need your help! Get Your Family Values Tag and help us get to 10,000 license plates on the road!
It’s simple. You can replace your license plate at Sheridan House!
It’s fast. 10 minutes: No waiting in line at a government tag agency!
You can fill out your application at Sheridan House’s campus or mail it to us.
Campus is open from 9am – 5pm, Monday through Friday. Forms and online payment are available below.

There are currently 7,443 Sheridan House Family Values license plates on the road. Even more exciting, when we get to 10,000 plates, the Family Values tag will completely fund one of our children’s homes!
Here’s how you can help! Complete the application and mail it (or drop it off) to Sheridan House (Attn: Rick Weber). We will also need with your original, signed application: phone number, a copy of your driver’s license, a copy of your vehicle registration, and a check for $85 payable to “FCI Insurance Agency”.
Your new Family Values Tag will arrive in 7-10 days and we will call you when it’s ready!